Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finally! It was great to have met up with my bestie once again. And this time not just her. Added to the fun was Mages, Vini and Ruben! I am glad that they enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Ruben as well for his crazy jokes. But on a particular part, Mages, Vini and I enjoyed ourselves. HAHA! And I guiltily (if there is such a word ever) declare that this is my second time that I have shisha-ed in a week. Oh well!
Keeping all the fun part aside, its back to reality. ICA week ahead. On top of that many more activities that are also coming up. December's going to be exteremley busy. Nevertheless, I am still going to enjoy myself for whatever is coming up. =D To all my mates having ICAs, all the best!
Hereby I inform that I have nothing to do with whatever has been mentioned in the personal blogs of my links. Thank you.
Dearest Parvin,
You've been greatly missed babe! Hope to catch up with you soon! Hope you had a wonderful trip as well. =D


  1. Wad's up with the declaration? Can u please specify a little.....?

  2. Yes i would like to know as well...what is it about???
    And thanks for the message, miss u too very *10 much!
    And lastly, Nisa darling, please please stop shishaing k? twice a week??? are u out of ur mind? U can get addicted easily you know?

  3. to pooja: please ask me that PERSONALLY, I would be pleased to answer you that. ;)

  4. to parvin: no la. i mean, i just had to go for it. HAHAHA! don't worry. I am not addicted to it or should i say yet. HAHA! Just kidding! Give me your time very soon! =D Miss you babe!
